To master precarious situations

Dr. Clemens Jüttner has experienced a lot in his life! As a longtime paramedic and firefighter he has found himself over and over again in extreme situations, where quick, unquestioning and most of all correct decision-making, communication and action were imperative to save lives. He applies this insight and knowledge on a daily basis in the business world!


Manager and former firefighter

Dr. Clemens Jüttner is a trained paramedic and a businessman with a PhD. He started his management career in marketing research. There he led many national and international projects. At the same time he learned to become a firefighter from the ground up and was the head of operations at a large Hessian volunteer fire department. Since 2006, he has been working for the Sana Kliniken AG, and affiliated subsidiaries, holding different positions within the Management, Purchasing, Sales and Marketing departments. In addition, he took on teaching assignments for sales and negotiation management at the University Bochum and Mannheim.

Speaker Portfolio Clemens Jüttner
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